
Shatner confirmed. Got it.

Is that why I've been seeing teeny-tiny Coke trucks on the interstate?

I've always thought Paul Rudd had the non-threatening charisma to play an any man character.

I know this is about that SNL digital short, but it just makes me think that Marvel should buy the rights to the chracters from The Office (US).

How many times do we have to see that darn talking gecko's origin story?

I want to create an Avengers-style shared universe in which to park my car and lawnmower.

Progressive Insurance wants to create an Avengers-style shared universe for Flo and some other yet-to-be-named characters.

Jell-O wants to create an Avengers-style shared universe for all flavors of pudding pops.

I forgot that exists! I need to head over to the Rifftrax website very soon…

::nudges Star Trek with his elbow, chuckling:: He got ya! Heh heh! He sure got you!

I try not to read things about Orci, because it causes me to worry.

"Knockin' me out with those American thighs!"

I hear you can drive it out by singing to yourself, "You're BEAUT-i-fu-ull! You're BEAUT-i-fu-ull!"

I'd love an extended version of that scene where Abed is in the background, talking to someone and analyzing the scene like it's fiction. "You're just gonna let him take over without another word?" "Well, I'm really just a glorified extra. I'm not supposed to pull focus away from the main character, especially since

RDJ comes back out on stage and bows to the audience. His Iron Man suit seperates from him and stands up straight, taking two steps back. RDJ then straightens from his bow. Both wave at the cheering audience.

Harmon will only sign on if they let him do his "Abed of SHIELD" idea.

What if Twen Peaks still on in 2014? Police cheif has to calm town folks down after Ebola scare. Agen Dale Cooper stirs fiber supplement into coffee.

It's been a while since I watched it, but I recall that VHS recording that Dale watches of Earle ranting about the power of the Black Lodge is pretty creepy.

Now that you mention it, I could really imagine Will Forte in the Twin Peaks universe. Probably playing a very serious and/or shy character.

We could use a wake-me-up.