
Fringe even had a moment wherein Walter mentioned a colleage, "Dr. Jacoby" and put on a pair of red-and-blue glasses he got from him.

It's odd how Northern Exposure is like Twin Peaks without the murder and overall sense of dread. It's like, "What if we did Twin Peaks, but where none of the stuff that happens on that show happened?"

I didn't understand anything in Fire Walk With Me. It starts out fine with Chris Isaac good-naturedly joshing Kiefer Sutherland, and then there's a horse in Laura Palmer's bedroom and all heck breaks loose.

Little Man: (Reversed backwards-talking) "Someone is editing your wikipedia page."

I'm optimistic, but guardedly so. It's very possible that Lynch had a ton of great ideas that will work amazingly for the show. With Lynch, it's even possible that he already had a notion of where the story should go after season two, and that a 25 year gap was absolutely essential for this to work. His mind does work

I hope that bird in the original credits comes back for the new show.

I hope everyone who's still alive comes back. The Twin Peaks episode is still the only episode of Psych I've ever seen, entirely due to the Twin Peaks reunion. Audrey: still so darned cute after all those years.

Oh, here it is. Turns out I wrote it in my diary.

It would be great if Josie was inexplicably back on the show, and later in the season she testifies before a hearing in defense of Agent Cooper, saying, "… and one time when my soul got trapped in a doorknob he helped me."

They should take a page from Apple's playbook and make it so veterans will have to go out of their way to AVOID a Bruce Springsteen and Eminem concert… in their house.

So you're saying casting him would be a *grave* mistake? ::arches eyebrow::

I would like to see that digitally replaced with a Guy Fawkes mask.

Don't speak ill of her. ::crosses self::

Can it be Vincent Price, maybe?

I think we need to go about this systematically by making a list of tall, trim males who have appeared in Masterpiece episodes and can be trained to do a passable American accent…

"Stay classy, Satannish!"

The one where the costumes had nipples on the butts were pretty good.

You might say we need significant audience support for studios to cape making this sort of film.

Shelbyville has a 70mm IMAX. (UPDATE: I suck and I don't read down before making an obvious joke.)

Is William Castle running this theater?