
I like how they just transitioned into doing goofy prop gags once in a while whenever they came up with a good one. "Mile-high custard pie" comes to mind for some reason.

Those flash cartoons were pretty sad. Let's refer to them as "Homestar Stumbler."

They didn't cotton to grasshoppers there, that's for sure.

I prefer Joel. I mean, I love Mike too, and I've especially warmed to him after discovering some of the latter-day classics like Puma Man, but the Joel sensibility is the bees knees for me.

I love the invention exchanges. They're a highlight of the show, for as much as something can be a highlight in a show that is all one big warm glow of happiness.

Iron King is better. Okay, I'm just being deliberately contrarian.

He was probably harassed off the project by a pair of broadly-played comedy relief bullies.

Aye carumba!

"You got a lotta bloatware on this machine. No wonder it's so slow."

(It is pretty cool.)

Is he legally allowed to summon Ultimate Spider-man from an alternate universe, played by Donald Glover?

"I usually have one foot in my Sanctum Sanctorum and even I’m freaking out right now."

Um… he means PLUB-mstFOURk.NET. Yeah. That's the one.

I'm not so sure about doing an MST3K: The Next Generation. Maybe with Patrick Stewart involved. Or Jon Stewart. I guess I'll settle for Kristen Stewart, but that's as far as I'll go.

"We are the superior race! We have the superior weapons!"

I guess that's cheaper than buying the new release DVDs, though then you don't get a cool thing to put on a shelf and mini-posters.

A local theater is showing Horror of Spider Island unriffed. C'mon, guys. Is it that hard to get the MST version?

Oh jeez, the Santa 900 number. I was pretty young when those ads were running non-stop during children's programming. The shame of that phone bill still aches a little bit.

Though, if you handed a Joss Whedon the original films, cartoons, other ancillary materials, plus Dan Aykroyd's original, phonebook-sized script and told him to use whatever he wanted and discard what he didn't, you might really end up with something. First step: go out and find a Joss Whedon real quick.

I can see him in a Lost Boys-style small-town vampire flick. "Look, Mister Mayor. I thought this all sounded like a bunch of crap, too. But I just saw a vampire bite a dudes HEAD off. Just let me have my equipment back!"