
I really liked Ruffalo's performance for this exact reason. His outward personality seems like a bundle of stress management techniques. Tony Stark even points this out, in so many words.

This doesn't take into considering that drawing your favorite characters is fun.

::warbly trumpet fanfare::

We all know that if anyone is Odie, it's Drax.

How else to convey to the mortals that shit hath just got real?

I give Asgardians a free pass as far as using "milady" though. They aren't trying to be particularly cute about it.

Okay, color me stupid, but I thought Bridesmaids WAS a Ghostbusters film.

(Carol Danvers posts Shazam's home address on Twitter.) Did I do that joke properly?

It's so sad. Strong Cape Man is my favorite, and they'll never get around to making a movie about him.

I recently started season one of Ultimate Spider-Man, and I like it a lot.

He likes butt stuff.

I'm against celebs having to reflexively apologize for everything, but it's nice Rollins has said he's realized he hurt people and feels bad.

When my wife used to see him as a talking head on VH1 documentaries, she assumed he was a pro baseball player or something like that.

This country is makers and takers, and Rollins is without a doubt a maker. He makes… muscles on Henry Rollins' arms… and… some kind of poetry?

"I call them paper people."

Alright, Avengers, check out this other new character we acquired in a lawsuit. Harold doesn't seem like much, but his purple crayon can alter reality.

God didn't make puffins. They were artificially created in a lab. Read yer bible.

I love Hulk, but agents of SMASH is pretty weak.

I want this more than I want more Firefly.

I think all they've established about this guy in the Avengers movie is that he's a bad guy from space, which I think will probably be re-established in this film. A mistake I've often made in the past is over-estimating how much I need to know about the history of a comic in order to enjoy it.