
I want a bunch of Thor sequels, with occasional Avengers cameos.

Yeah, I'm also not terribly familiar with the source material, but the idea they're basically doing a Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Star Wars that features a talking raccoon and Chris Pratt is enough for me. I'll be there opening weekend.

I've been watching Earth's Mightiest Heroes on Netflix, and it is so awesome. I don't know why someone would replace it with Avengers: Assemble unless they thought TV viewers were on the verge of brain dead.

Throne of blood, I'd believe, but a bed of blood???

Hey giant, mutant, insects: Start on the west side of the state, won't you?

As I recall, later in the film when Batgirl joins the team, they also let her join in on the rubber butts montage.

Between this and Christian rock, though. When you look at it from that perspective…

Patrick Stewart was so great in that episode. I still have it recorded on VHS somewhere.

Love the Prince Batman album.

I dunno. We rag on representations of women in the media, but then we call them fat the first chance we get. I just don't like it.

You thought I wouldn't notice that you had snow cone board my ship?

"I made you a black, rubber costume. I molded it to your body as you slept…"

Quickly! Into our Bat-costumes! (Boots! Gloves! Bat symbol on chest! BUTTS!)

Indeed. What's with all the people posting in this monster movie comments thread just to remind everyone that monster movies are dumb. "They rely heavily on the visual appeal of the monster destruction and aren't very literary and brainy. So make sure not to enjoy them. Are you listening?"

I wholeheartedly agree.

Bonus points if you say that wearing an "I'm a virgin" shirt.

"When you grow up, your heart dies."

I hope Gareth Edwards has had a chance to look at some of the Godzilla: Rulers of Earth comics being put out by IDW. I am loving that series. They bring back Jet Jaguar!

No matter how weird they think it will seem, no matter how much test audiences scratch their heads, if they're gonna have Mothra I feel like they have to have the shobijin. It'll work, Edwards. You just have to believe.

I wouldn't change a single thing. :)