
Part of me shares that reservation. Part of me thinks its now or possibly never. You just don't know whether the audience is going to give you 2 or 3 films to build up to that.

Ghidorah The Three-Headed Monster is a good one. I hope he can live up to that. I hope Mothra remains a magic, insect goddess who hangs out with fairies.

That's a good one. Awesome monster action supplemented by weird spirituality in a way that actually works.

I got a King Ceasar toy at Target a couple week ago on clearance.

Ahem: Colm Mini.

I read the Civil Wars miniseries on Marvel Unlimited a few months ago. It is the saddest, worst idea for a Marvel superheroes story ever. The concept is that you watch your favorite heroes fight. You watch them fight among each other and bleed and break until you are sick in the heart.

I always thought it would be funny to submit one of those "complaint department" cartoons, with a lady at the window saying, "My tits are lopsided."

'cause you want the pie in the sky?

You have me imagining Magnetic Racism Poetry.

"Let your racism guide you," is a real red flag that you've hired a terrible life coach.

Extras casting: If we could just manufacture them, we would, but dammit we have to use actual humans for this.

Beyonce has no comment at this time, but know that she is devastated.

It's actually, "Yay for the way we imagine things were 60 years ago." I've seen those bumper stickers.

That's "invisible woman" and "human torch."

I don't know about that. I'd tell her to go outside, find the stinkiest thing in the yard, and roll in it.

"From now on: Shirtless Loki in every issue. That's a Marvel guarantee!" — Straight-talkin' Stan

The Flash will now be drawn in crayon. Also, Superman will be replaced by his dog, but everyone will call the dog Superman.

The film will just have to cram until 3am the night before the test.

Good. You'd better sit down. I don't want to have to clean your pee splash off the rim.

Quite. Penises don't have any muscles.