
Would it violate their policies to panhandle on Kickstarter?

"Oh God that's funny! Ha ha! I'm reaching for my wallet! Ha ha! This is my money! Ha ha! Now you have my money! Ha ha! Money that was mine now becomes yours! And potato salad! Ha!"

Make it regular-flavor Ruffles, and you've got it.

The world would be a better place if Andy Dick had just stayed in character as Matthew for the rest of his life.

I believe the Thor films are my favorite Marvel films.

I'm putting this comment on ice.

Joshua Jackson as Japanese Spider-Man.

"Oh, hello darling! I was just smoking some marijuana with this delightful, toothy parrot."

"You say his name is Aladdin? I think I beheaded an Aladdin once. OH!… I just pissed myself!"

::Spock, Uhura, Chekov, and Sulu look on, slightly disappointed that it blew up before they got to the part where they dance.::

There's something about Mickey Mouse impressions that end in "Ha-ha!" I never get tired of them. My wife pulled one out on me once completely unexpected and I almost died.

They already promised Bruce Willis he could sing. Can this film support two indulgent musical numbers? I guess maybe they can duet "Swing on a Star" while sneaking out of the cyclops' cave.

My film was a success! Noman loved it! Noman wanted to see it again!

Why can't it be like those colorful, cinemascope epics from back in the '60s? Like those but with modern film technology, or is that what the Dwayne Johnson Hercules is supposed to be?

There was a long boardroom meeting at Sony as to whether Community was truly television that "crackles."

Alan Tudyk and Ron Glass will kill your favorite characters in heartbreaking ways, one by one. (Alan Tudyk strangles Abed from behind, whispering, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry…")

Or as a gay friend of mine cheerily responded, when another friend asked about the anal sex, "Oh, that's not obligatory." He was a really good sport about being someone's first experience with an all-out gay friend. One of those true ambassadors.

I did not know about that. I love how everyone has a job to do in that film, though. The writers did a good job of splitting up the crew and having everyone accomplish some part of the overall plan. I'm still not clear on how Sulu convinced someone to let him borrow a helicopter to lift some whales…

Takei is great. He appeared at Trek Fest in Riverside, IA a couple of years ago. I saw him pass by on a float with Chekov and Uhura, tossing stuffed bears at onlookers.

Next on "Hitler's Alien Bible."