
I'll continue to watch Star Wars for the rest of my life, despite how Han Solo shot Greedo like that.

In college, I actually sent an honest-to-goodness reception report to NHK Radio Japan. They sent me some postcards and a program listing and such. It was pretty neat.

Tuning into shortwave radio can be an interesting hobby, but there's a whole lot of nothing and static in between the something. It's always kind of exciting and surreal about catching some far away broadcast from Taiwan or Cuba. I've never tuned in an honest-to-goodness numbers station, though.

Hey, it sounds like they named their film hoping to get some exposure on the popular social network Google Plus.

Don't go there!

Wakkachikka wakkachikka wakkachikka…

Seth Rogan's voice certainly never sounds odd coming out of the mouth of a cgi character. Get him to do it.

I'd drive around the country in a van with Lee Van Cleef and a hamster, if it meant I could become a ninja.

My wife has a theory that our state fair concocts crazier and crazier food specifically to dare presidential politicians to eat it.

What's the problem? Skulls are awesome. A skull is the single most metal thing in the world and it's RIGHT UNDER YOUR FACE! METAL!!!

Come on over and try a tenderloin and an ear of Iowa sweet corn. Don't eat the fried butter or any of that other weird State Fair food: that's just crazy crap we serve tourists to laugh at them.

I've had some good stuff at chain restaurants like Fridays, but it's a mixed bag. If you dare to order anything as a side that isn't a big pile of carbs and/or cheese, you get the saddest steamed veggies in the world. Anything quesadilla-based is pretty rockin' at these sorts of places, though.

"We here on Earth stopped doing the World Hunger thing, because people kept coming in and making cracks about it. I guess it was in some movie."

I only buy the lotion with a picture of Steve Martin's penes on the bottle.

My main problem is the altering of the original trilogy and trying to toss the original versions down the memory hole. Those are just too beloved and classic to sully forever with unnecessary updates.


If one truly wants to experience sports, but in a dorky fashion, they should stick with good, old fantasy baseball.

My brother and I used to quote this sketch all the time. Once in a while, it still comes up.

I just came here because I wanted to comment on the Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer article.