
It's hard to explain why Snuff Box seems different. Not that I think it's bad, but there's a more palpable gloom lurking beneath it. Whereas it seems like the Always Sunny gang will always be too stupid to realize just how terrible they are.

The gags and the performers are funny as hell, but also the show kind of immerses you into a world of sadness. These characters are bad people. They might just always be bad people. They might never be happy.

"Haw haw haw SHADDUP!"

Chevy Chase made some sort of karate dog film, too. Might check that out.

No, it's because of your huge thighs.

I still feel bad for Gottfried losing that Aflac gig. And it was over some "too soon" tweet that has since been buried under 500 tons of news cycle.

New country just doesn't have the emotional resonance of classic country, does it? You can't beat the classics.

Voice of Bill Murray. He needs more regrettable cat voices on his resume.

I used to rent Excitebike from the local, small-town general store where I grew up.

Ten forward.

If only these hipsters were opting for meticulously-trimmed Rikers.

True, the dude does have his share of "Shooby shooby shooby, let's get high and fuck" songs.

Hey, you like Han Solo? Well, here you get to see him as a little kid!

"Coming Up" might be my favorite McCartney song.

They could skiffle. Oh, how they skiffled.

I go back and forth as to how much I really like Green Day, but it's not like writing a concept album about how much George W. Bush sucks was a commercial slam-dunk at the time. Even if you don't like the way it's done, there's a certain ideological consistency to the band. It's not like their previous hits were "Stop

"Never rub another man's rhubarb."


He demonstrates his method for drawing his comic in the documentary Stripped. During this process, he explains that actually drawing is his least favorite part, and if he could make his comic strip without having to draw the characters he would. (Meaning he loves writing the jokes, but he's sick of drawing the same

Well, I think it's obvious He didn't have a plan to begin with. He was just trying some stuff.