
Imagine: Oprah's smiling face on the cover of every bible, wearing a different hat and dress on each one.

I'm now following Kanye on Twitter, specifically because of what you did there.

I played this song after my wife (then girlfriend) and I moved into our first apartment together, and shortly afterward got our first pet rabbit. The sentimentality of this song playing on my vintage stereo as a new little bunny explored the living room around me, while I meandered around gracelessly half-dancing… In…

Those wax cylinder-based ghost traps didn't work very well, though.

I like how it's mostly Bill Murray et al screwing around with Woody Allen music playing, with occasional breaks for ghost activity.

I'm still a little disappointed that Star Wars might delay the production of a Godzilla sequel.



It is? ::puts hand up to block glare. squints.:: Damn, how can you see that?

I'm terribly offended by this word, but only because the "t" reminds me of Jesus dying on the cross.

What's the fan consensus on the All Along The Watchtower plot element? Mistake?

They could have at least done a montage set to inspirational '80s music.

Whether once chooses to believe there's some animating force to the universe, or some ineffable thing that ties us all together, the god of the Bible is kind of a scary guy.

Whoa! I forgot that the bad guy in Last Crusade is the bad guy in City of Death!

Everything in the Bible Is True, Even The Things That Contradict Each Other.

So it's more of a Raiders of the Lost Ark use of Christian imagery and mythology? I can get into that, potentially.

Pod People always made me feel like I wanted to see that movie the credits footage was from. Then I saw the Rifftrax of Galaxy Invader. Ugh, what a grimy film full of drunken, terrible people. Pod People is an upbeat dance party by comparison.

And even if you ARE rich and white, isn't it still kinda icky?

$3 billion is only going to get them about four pairs of those crazy headphones.

Man, what is Andy Dick's deal? We'd all be able to like him a lot better if he just spent the rest of his life in character as Matthew.