
From now on, whenever you guys wanna have sex, just pull out a dollar bill. Look at all the weird shit going on on the dollar bill, man. All those crazy, little curleycue details and such. There's a pyramid with an eyeball, like WHAT THE FUCK, man??? Heh heh. Oh man… … What?… Why are you looking at me like I'm about

"Why do those… 'types' think I'm one of them?"

"Vyvian! Where'd you get that howitzer?"

The stars at night! are big and bright!

I thought Bill Murray played Garfield in the Spider-man movies.

I'm tired of all these emmer-effing comments about Snakes on an Emmer-Effing Plane! ::flashes FBI badge::

I hear the name "Jeff Windu" and all I can picture is Joel McHale.

"Simon Pegg suggested you for this Star Wars film, in which he's reprising his role as Engineer 'Scotty' Doohan."

That's a good point. Maybe at this point he feels his major work on the Ant-Man film is done, and the call came down from Disney HQ "Would you hate us if we asked you to move to one of our Star Wars films?" and he's all, "Nope. Ant-Man's in good shape. The Assistant Director (or whatever) knows what he's doing and can

But there's a talking raccoon. Are talking raccoons not bankable?

Man, it looks so good, though. It could be the good Star Wars movie we've all been waiting for since 1998.

Especially considering that at the time redheads were forbidden to perform in the babalu show.

Thanks for the link (except for the inevitable sex fan art that pops up in Google Image Searches). I too don't quite see it. I would rate Meg White above Princess Bubblegum, if anyone is keeping track.

I don't know who Princess Bubblegum is, but she sounds ravishing.

He's the first American director to have the guts to make Godzilla a gigantic lizard superhero, like he's supposed to be. Give him a chance.

Bryan Cranston as Han Solo's dad, who built R2-D2.

You might even say he's the type of guy who shoots first, before the other guy has a chance to get the drop on him…

My favorite Star Wars character is Cantina Wolfman. I like him because he's an off-the-shelf mask thrown onto an extra because they ran out of budget for more alien costumes, and George Lucas never liked him.