
Also, I think they're staying a little more grounded with these monsters actually having some natural origin (at least for now). I don't think you should introduce Mothra until you've stretched the premise far enough to allow straight-up magic and stuff. I'm not willing to watch an American film re-introduce Mothra as

I hated the tough guy bickering between the two guys who look exactly alike in Pacific Rim, but there are other human elements in that film that I liked a lot. The scientists were fun characters and the way they played off each other really worked for me. Also, that flashback to the woman as a little girl being

I've been occasionally catching the old TV show on MeTV. For all the goofy plots and bad acting, Linda Carter kind of manages to hold the thing together with her sheer commitment to being Wonder Woman. She'd make a great film if you get together a team of writers/director who understand just how awesome she's supposed


My wife is already dead set on sewing a Rocket Raccoon costume for our son.

Though in the Marvel Comics version it's "GRAAAWWWWWW!" And occasionally just a perplexed, "Graw?"

I would have preferred a bit more of the big G as well. I think the movie did a good job of spooling out information to you and building to the inevitable appearance of Godzilla, and I wasn't bored with it, but I hope in the next film they don't try to get away with delaying his appearance for so long yet again.

I would agree regarding the fact that no one in the film really pointed out just how dangerously ineffectual the military was. I kind of expected more indignation from SOMEone for the fact that they almost killed a bridge full of civilians and schoolchildren by letting loose a torrent of gunfire and missiles at Goji

SPOILERS: I agree with you, and I love how when Godzilla is making his exit at the end, instead of cranking up the musical score with a triumphant "BUM BADA BUM BUM BUMP BADA…" it just gets sort of quiet as he swims away. He's had his big hero moment, now it's time to quietly tip his had and head out to see. (The

The military is supposed to be constantly screwing up in this film. Because Godzilla is the frickin' hero.

It's kind of refreshing that instead of complaining about being tired or talking about the weird hours you have to work you just came out and explicitly said, "I'm too busy and important."

Heh heh, yeah I remember when I saw MY first Godzilla movie.

Yes! The sound is great in Godzilla! That roar, holy crap! Also, the way the other monsters' bodies seem to be constantly making sound while they move.

I don't watch a lot of movies in 3D, but I think Godzilla is a good choice if you wanna watch SOMEthing in 3D.

That's coming in 2015. Seriously. (Well, I don't know about release in America, but a new film is in the works. No word on whether Cornjob will return.)

"I'm dressed as a normal person. Isn't this clever?"

I used to watch Sabrina the Teenage Witch entirely because of it's tenuous connection to Mystery Science Theater 3000. Joel Hodgson was credited as "magic consultant" and TV's Frank was one of the writers. Actually, I think Penn & Teller made appearances on that show too. Was that show obsessed with magician/comedians?

The '90s LOVED the '60s.

The white lodge is good, the black lodge is evil. Is the purple lodge just plain silly? Is it run by Dana Carvey in that whimsical toymaker disguise from Master of Disguise?

I wonder how much they're selling for now.