
Y'know, David Lynch originally envisioned little robots whizzing all around the town of Twin Peaks. At the time, there wasn't the budget or technology to realize this vision. Thank heavens now it can be seen as he originally intended.

"Hey Coop, is that you?" "Yeah." "Oh man, we're ALL trapped in doorknobs now?" "Oh no, what're we gonna do?" "Sing a song, I guess." (music starts…)

Find out how he grows to Godzilla size using one weird trick.

The thing about space is… it's black. And the thing about Planet X is… it's black.

I just got Hedorah in the mail (newly released to DVD and Blu and currently a real steal). I'm looking forward to the insanity.

Film critic never really love him. Him crimefighting cover up a basic insecurity.

Hey, the journey will be fun. Enjoy it! When you get to Final Wars, I suggest going into it with the attitude that it is a surprisingly well-made Godzilla/Matrix parody flick, rather than an actual Godzilla movie.

That's one I've been itching to see. It's oddly difficult to come by, despite it's reputation as the all-out monsterfest of the Showa era. I'm going to wait for the new DVD/Blu release this July.

Doctor Who and Godzilla are both accompanied by raspy string sounds and are both frequently foiling alien invasions.

"Not wanting to listen to Ziggy Stardust again just yet, Godzilla decides to walk up the beach to Dick Cavett's hut."

And that's kind of the idea of Monster Island in the 60s/70s films. It's a safe play away from civilization where the giant monsters can roam. The problem with Monster Island is they forgot to provide each kaiju with one favorite book, favorite album, and favorite person to have a conversation with.

I love Gamera because his fights are all about the over-the-top "what the hell?" moments: When Jiger was blasting him with her sonic weapon, for instance, and so Gamera protected his ears by sticking telephone poles in them. Or when Gamera used Viras as a jetski.

I heard they tried to re-create the sound for the new movie in this way, but it didn't sound right. Instead, they found they could get just about the exact same sound by zapping Vin Diesel with a tazer.

Give them a couple more sequels before they bring in Jet Jaguar and monsters talking to each other and playing vollyball and stuff.

And if you're hearing either one, you know that the alien invasion that is currently underway is going to come to an abrupt end.

I think there's room in the world for all kinds if different Godzilla films with myriad different tones, so I'm reluctant to accept the general critical consensus that somehow this is the "good" one and all the rest of derivative and inferior. This is a very distinctive Godzilla film and it deserves its due. And it's

Filmation did Star Trek: The Animated Series as well, which I love for the writing, but one must admit the animation is mostly just stiff figures moving only their mouths.

I'm thinking there could be a surprisingly amazing performance by Dan Aykroyd as Mr. Slate.

I want this to be reality now. Does anybody out there have a lathe of heaven?

Star Wars?