
"I Lost On Jedi-Parody" is perhaps more appropriate.

"I Lost On Jedi-pardy" - as Weird Al makes the controversial transition into parodying only his own old songs.

I celebrated by watching the Star Trek episode "Who Mourns for Adonais?"

Don't be pedantic, or I'll send my army of Frankensteins to get you.

I'll give you the fact that the conflict at the end gets a little weird. It eventually starts resembling a wizard battle or something.

Every time Hulk appears in a movie, it's time for the internet to complain about how he looks.

Which is why I want their damn paws off me.

I like this Hulk film. There's a lot going on in there, and it's handled nicely. Also, the leaping across the desert scene is so liberating and serene.

How many eggs for this slice of pizza?

When do we get a movie where a former TV star plays an evil atheist professor trying to get an innocent, Christian student to accept that germs cause disease?

"Harry Anderson, protect the perimeter! Keep those aliens away from civilians! And Kevin Sorbo… act!" (Kevin Sorbo smiles knowingly, then runs away howling and smashing things.)

"That's okay, I brought my own rubber chicken. The necks on the cheap ones don't have enough turgidity to be properly funny, I find."

That ape movie will have PLENTY more BO, if you know what I mean! Phew! (Them apes is stinky.)

"Bull, did you lock up the monkey cages in the Bio building?" (Bull slowly raises his hand to smack his own bald head as his mistake dawns on him.)

The Lawgiver forbids it… Oh, what the hey!

"He'll have to sit and watch them all, while we monitor his mind. La la la!"

I love the scientists, but I do agree the treatment of the lady was not so great. I thought it should have been her who (spoilers) threw the dude into an escape pod and saved the day in the end. She fucking earned that.

That's all muscle. Muscle and bone and probably some barnacles or something.

We can't all live up to the unattainable, stick-figure image presented by the glossy magazines with their Cloverfield monsters.

There will be no bowties but the bowties we make for ourselves.