
I think Chris Evans wants to direct, so lately anything he does that doesn't involve a vibranium shield is behind the camera.

You spelled "Jim Mallon" wrong. OOH!

"Crow, where are those nice pants I gave you?"

I love an anecdote I read in an interview where Joel said he logged in once to read usenet discussions, and it was sort of after the heat of the Joel/Mike arguments had died down, and the thread he was reading was very much a "they're both great. Everyone has a preference and that's okay" sort of thing. Joel

I love how Joel would look at a scene, and say a few words that would completely transform the scene into something else in your mind.

::THROWS DOWN GAUNTLET:: Hey, I found this gauntlet on the driveway. Does this belong to anybody? No? Man, someone's missing a really fine gauntlet. I wonder if I should put up flyers.

"I broke into your house that time. We're married."

They'd have to have Mallon's permission, but he wouldn't necessarily have to work with them. He'd just have to feel it would be worth it to sign off on letting them use the brand.

When Bombur's wearing the barrel, though! That was a great image stuck into a three hour movie.

The rabbit-pulled sled is about the last thing about that first movie I would think to complain about. I think the idea is legitimately cool and weird and Hobbity. Admittedly, I remember the actual execution of the idea being rather videogamey.

Deanto The Fire

Has anyone outside his circle of friends gotten to see that cut yet?


The Haunties: Fart 2

I know, I know. He was also "It's Pat" and that French kid in the bathtub.

I forgot about John Lovitz as the devil. Man, he was the best devil.

A bowl of gruel?

But if it's a small-time second-run movie theater that you paid only a couple of bucks to get into, a trip to the snack bar is a welcome way to say "thanks for making it so there's something to do in this town, sir/ma'am."

That wacky, physical comedy fight scene in the windmill was so endearing. You just can't top that with big cgi setpieces where a cgi Johnny Depp gets flung around like a cgi ragdoll.