
I snuck a couple shots worth of rum into Pirates of the Carribean for my wife and I to mix with our diet cokes. Get it? I smuggled rum! What pirates do! Pair that the the unexpected surprise of how fun the movie ended up being, and the lack of any foreknowledge of how bloated and overdone the franchise would become,

I watched one episode of High School USA, and it seemed they thought that juxtaposing terribly sexually overt things with characters that look like the Archies was all the work they had to do to make it funny.

Does he have… snowballs?

Ask for him by name! It's easier to remember, for it is the icy sound of your doom!

It's in the video. The red was just so they had a color that wasn't in the surrounding jungle and would be easier to remove/replace later.

Is this the Star Wars sub-thread? Good, good, because I've got some PROBLEMS with those PRE-QUELLLLS!…

What they didn't show was those cheesy biscuits. Oh man those are good.

Malcolm McDowell? Chris Hardwick? And you didn't mention him, but I'm going to go ahead and assume: Regis Philbin? Duh? Whuh? I'm guessing I should at the very least track down this scene on YouTube.


When the same stupid-ass questions 900 times have been asked of you, grouchy will you be, too! (THIS IS HOW YODA TALKS)

Man, if Hayden Christensen defeats Samuel L. Jackson in a fight in your movie, then you are filmmaking wrong.

I've never been into Goonies, and I don't have any desire to check it out as an adult to see what the fuss is about. Nonetheless, I don't rabidly hate it. I like to think my opinion of "it's good for some people and bad for other people" has a buffering effect on the internet.

I have the opposite problem, where I can't properly enjoy something until I've heard Michael Ian Black reminisce about it.

Yeah, I can't get behind Gremlins love. It kind of makes me think that the '80s were evil.

I'm no lawyer, but…

"Ghostbusters III: Based on the stand-up comedy of Tim Allen"

I remember back when that was in every movie preview, which taints it a bit, but it's still a good song.

Abed could make a good Ghostbusters III.

The makers of Ghostbusters III should be sure to watch Mister Vampire and Paranorman before they proceed.

If you let Allison Brie be the smart-alec hero of the flick, and not just a sidekick "girls can be smart too" token character.