Bob Hope is God

Did they require one? What I'm saying is, how powerful is their lobby in Congress?

Only if it's used as a marital aid.

"Women can drive?" — Marvel Studio and/or The Saudi Royal Family.

This makes Great Job, Internet! seem like a short story written by Henry James.

"Color Wars? That gives me a good idea about how to make America great again." — Donald Trump

As Christ would have. Obviously.

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He's a sad substitute for Greg Giraldo.

I never expected him to outlive Chris Farley.

Make America Great Again: Repeal all child labor restrictions!

Bo Derek will be too busy doing erotic thrillers to help the cause of Republican hopeful Donald Judas Trump.

And the Chinese Communist Party still can't tell the difference between an Onion headline and satire.

"Jerry Sandusky was a damn fine coach and a second-rate pederast. Dude got himself caught." — Joe Paterno and/or The Vatican.

And bust their respected heads open?

So he's more Roman Polanski than DW Griffith?

It also has the trademark Roeg nudity.

You get to see Rip Torn's penis. So … yeah.

It's no Space Jam.

The Rise and Fall of the Kingston Trio and the Spiders from Camp Grenada.

Our workers don't commit suicide in enough numbers. America is more about FOX News than Foxconn.