Dan Harmon is the Antichrist for many reasons, especially to the former employees of Yahoo! Screen.
Dan Harmon is the Antichrist for many reasons, especially to the former employees of Yahoo! Screen.
"You know Bob Hoskins is dead, right?" — Alien
Well, yeah … we also say Classic Simpsons quotes and make a lot of puns.
WRONG!!!! Pat Buchanan.
The Universe became a pop cultural in-joke a long time ago.
Mercilessly, brutally adorable? So it's adorable in terms of industrial speed metal albums?
"Elvis didn't do no drugs!"
Got busted for vagrancy and took to slinging dope to returning GIs in San Francisco's Tenderloin District?
"the deathmuppet of a trillion sleepless nights" Sounds like a Donald Trump slashfic written by HP Lovecraft.
Bear … and to the left.
— Samuel Beckett
Crushed? Really? I imagine it is the headline we all deserve or some other clickbait claptrap?
This is Sherlock Holmes, not Doctor Who.
She was great in Baron Munchausen.
Pfft, as if people read in the first place. They have their eyes glued to their smartphones.
Michael Crichton's "Congo" was a terrible sequel to "Heart of Darkness."
Southern White People Almost Kissing: Is Nicholas Sparks the New Shakespeare?
For maple syrup?
"Straight white people." Oh, the AV Club's Books section.
Bangers and mash. How's ya father, guvnuh? Tuppence for the Queen?