Bob Hope is God

That makes me want to see the Hannibal/Girls crossover/skewering event.

Chocolate Chip Wingers


Yahoo! Screen dies slow death.

I'm so sick of all these star wars. Now I have to ride the Millennium Falcon. I need to hold on to its feathers.


— Mrs. PowerThirteen

So by "territory," you mean all of time and space?

Fuck you, Rick Berman. Hey, you're not Rick Berman.

It's a fucking trailer, it doesn't need to be over-explained by some neckbeard shut-in.

Not sure why my original comment was removed. Never knew The AV Club had a Stormfront vibe going on. Protip: Don't hate on white people at The AV Club.

Oh, then by all means!

Assange doesn't like Clinton? Then again, he's like Roman Polanski when it comes to women.

Crikey! Bollocks! How's ya father!

If I wanted to waste three hours of my life, I'd watch something far less depressing … like Schindler's List.

Batman v Superman v 2nd Week Nose-dive in Box Office Receipts

If you mean Honda and ignition switches, then yes.

In addition, Suckerpunch is before Zack Snyder disappeared up his own dour-and-brooding Superman-themed ass.

Because they are maudlin talentless hack frauds.