Bob Hope is God

To protect your "glass pipe" collection?

Not everyone knows about Tom Servo's room in the Satellite of Love where he cooks meth.

I also bought the soundtrack to "Clockwork Orange." So that kind of balances things out.

"Why would I waste my time watching a Seth Rogen movie?" — Post-Singularity Self-Aware AI (in the body of Martin Starr)

It's not an addiction, it's a lifestyle choice.

I watched Suckerpunch. Do I need to turn in my Feminist Membership Card now? I'm one entree away from getting a free burrito!

A bigger plunge than Harley Quinn's neckline!
**slide whistle**

Tanking in the second week? Doesn't Zack Snyder have a patent on that move?

This from the guy who helped kill the Terminator franchise?

Funnier than the Slavoj Zizek gimmick accounts on Twitter?

There's always Crystal Meth.

Well, it wouldn't be the least homoerotic thing the NFL has ever done.

The SubGenius Foundation was created in Dallas, Texas.

And voting with the Administration when there's a tie in the US Senate.

Henry Clay or GTFO!
**gets his US Senate Hitting Stick**

I find Wikipedia to be a reliable source for knowledge and Alex Jones a reliable source for news.

It tastes like Cockney taint!

This isn't about painted nudes on amphoras!

Ugh, no thanks.
