Bob Hope is God

Trump and person don't deserve to be in the same sentence.

I'll be in my bunk for 5 times today.

Yes! Scene after scene of people walking and talking with sterile CGI backgrounds!

They aren't?
**throws away The Michael Phelps Brand Pregnancy Test and Burglar Alarm**

What do you think the reshoots were for?

I thought it was Ian McKellan at first, going full Richard III.

Excuse me while I change my pants.

Um … maybe?

**mails shat-in bags to Jared Leto's underground lair**

I'd rather watch Rizzoli and Isles.

Norms? Who would clone George Wendt?

Now you're trying too hard. Read some Art of the Deal, drink some Trump Vodka, and make sure to take many, many sleeping pills.

It beats that tedious crap from the NFL.

As long as we know the price of everything and the value of nothing, our culture will do just fine.

Sideboob rules!

Better than another Arrested Development season, right?

The Rock for Squirrel Girl.

— Wall Street power-broker negotiating a collateral debt swap deal with sub-prime mortgages.

So you're also lazy?

But it was Paris, those America-hating cheese-eating surrender-monkeys? Or is your overdeveloped sense of sentimentality overwhelming whatever microscopic fragment of machismo you have? Don't you care about the Heartland, you gun-hating commie traitor?