Bob Hope is God

Because his name is BLACK Manta?

Do we know the Rock's opinion on Sulu's gayness?

"Stop stealing my bit!" — James Joyce

Beef jabroni?

Sedimentary, my dear Watson.

"Like a rock!"

How many licks would it take to reach Vin Diesel's candy ass? The world may never know.

Cut the fake outrage. No one's buying it.

I bet that Paris gun massacre at the Eagles of Death Metal show left you conflicted, eh?

Makes me wonder, when do they dress the horse? It's all this prancing and shit.


I just enjoy all the exposed skin. Although it makes me wonder where Saudi Arabia's beach volleyball team is?

Women's rugby was pretty dope.

Wait, there are more than just 2 sports?

Jack Donaghy would make the Men's Competitive Scotch Drinking Relays.

<— gives exactly zero fucks about Michael Phelps and his 9000 gold medals.

Now I wish they were bought out by Kabletown.

Um, Summer Olympics.

"Were they dead white Americans? Asking for a friend."

You should try heroin. Has the same effect.