— Donald Trump
— Donald Trump
**immediately greenlights Zardoz remake starring James Corden and Kevin Hart**
I'm a sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, sanctimonious fuckstain.
Jared Leto already fucked up that character for about a half-decade.
Just about anything in the entire history of human civilization > Donald Trump
I have nothing meaningful to say.
Does Vincent Cassel hang dong in this? Asking for a friend.
Including the Vatican?
It sure seems trivial.
I guess curing bone cancer in children will have to wait?
I thought he became Immortan Joe?
I'm hoping the Field of Dreams/Requiem for a Dream crossover is still in the works.
Why was it ever birthed to begin with?
Will this mean I won't be disturbed by his changing facial hair in those car rental commercials?
Not every superhero movie needs a damn origin story.
Boxing Helena 2: Packing Tape Boogaloo
No, but Patton did slap a wounded GI in a hospital.
And they should endorse Donald Trump, so he has to say "Butt paste" in interviews.
So he's like that pair of fame whores General George S. Patton and General Douglas MacArthur?
I'm waiting for someone to switch the DVDs of this and Veggie Tales.