**Shelley Duvall dressed as Olive Oyl slowly raises hand**
**Shelley Duvall dressed as Olive Oyl slowly raises hand**
Like the Devo song?
If Donald Trump wasn't a perpetual capitalist fuck-up and thin-skinned coward, he'd be a lot like Heydrich.
Does Bryce Dallas Howard run from the dragon in high heels?
Torture, Catholic iconography, and coarse anti-Semitism?
How fucked up do you have to be to have Frank Gallagher as your AA sponsor?
I don't think we should be coddling the wealthy and talentless.
Alice in Chains?
This is kind of insulting to Zapp Brannigan. Brannigan, despite being a sexist tool, is a better space captain than Trump is a businessman.
<— gives precisely zero fucks.
It's like seeing more of The Joker would make Suicide Squad any less terrible?
Why don't you shut your whore mouth and make your husband a sandwich?
No, he has someone else do it. Walking that much would make him winded.
Ironically, in the 80s I couldn't stop staring at Tim Kazurinski's junk.
Like I said, Whaddya need? A roadmap?
Is that the only descriptor you could think of?
Kind of like the second-rate football player he played in Jerry Maguire.
And then there's the movie Wedding Ringers.
Again … suicide is painless. You're boring.
Is this some kind of online performance art piece?