I'm not very technical, that's why I bought the Mac. Can you explain without the technical jargon? k thx
I'm not very technical, that's why I bought the Mac. Can you explain without the technical jargon? k thx
The breadcrumbs are editable though. Just click to the right of them in the address bar and it highlights the whole path ready for copying and displays it in text form for editing. Same as XP.
Man, I have an iMac at home and I must not be very good with it. It doesn't seem to be any more efficient when I work on that as when I work on my Windows machine, whereas all these other guys must be saving SO much time by using their Macs based on the fact that they have so much time to post about how everyone…
Aw crap, I thought you'd gone and found the field where that picture was taken, constructed the tombstone and retaken the photo.
Up arrow in the file manager? Do you mean Explorer? Because if you want to go up one directory you just click on the parent directory in the file path. It's exactly the same workflow as the up arrow.
Plus the dropdown list up there beside each directory lets you cross to sibling directories in 1 click. It's way more…
Really, it's that hard to access the control panel? It's that hard to hit the windows key, type "cont" and hit enter, the same way as you did on earlier windows systems?
Oh man, so a cursory glance through the comments reveals a metric shit-ton of "JimTreacher" right wing talking points. Let's do a quick analysis:
That was some of the most lame, cliched "black soldier guy who's still 'street'" writing I've seen since the 90s.
Watch Fired Up! It makes no sense in the best way.
Fired Up is bizarre and awesome. It's a movie that just shouldn't exist under any sane terms. The following review nails it when it comes to that film:
The AV Club comments became the Drudge Report pretty quickly didn't they?
Yeah, this. If you're bitching about the show because it reminds you too much of Tumblr memes then you're spending too much time on Tumblr.
Yeah I loved it. I don't get the hardcore nitpicking that goes on with this show. I mean, after every episode of the whole series all I've ever wanted is to watch more of it. I guess it just works for me.
Really? Elementary? NCIS: NY: English Guy is a better Sherlock Holmes show?
I'm not sure you know what 'meta' means…
So is Arrow actually any good? I have a really hard time believing it is since all the praise for that show I hear is "they mention all these DC characters all the time! It's awesome!" Except that has nothing to do with whether the show is any good or now.
No no no no no NO. Who cares what characters are named? How does something immediately get better just because you go "hey, that crappily written character on the show is the same guy as in a comic book I read one time."
Who cares if stuff references comic books or not? This show is terrible because it's terrible, not…
I would love so much to see Lawrence of Arabia on a really big screen in 70mm.
Yeah that would have been amazing to see.
I don't *think* (and my Googling may be right about this) Apocalypse Now was filmed that way. It was filmed in 35mm, and then there was a 70mm print made in order to accommodate a surround sound soundtrack.