
Didn't they announce that earlier this month?

If I hadn't known ahead of time that the pilot was a line-by-line reconstruction of the UK Office pilot, then I would've given up on it as well. The worst moment was when Phyllis asked what downsizing was. Give me a fucking break. The whole two second joke in the UK Office was that it was a poor, naive American asking

Thirteen I think with another two(?) on the way (to be completed by his son)? I gave up after seventh or so book. I don't mind 'epic' series but Jordan was just spinning his wheels (sorry) plot wise and the characters had really grown to be annoying.

@lexicondevil: My understanding was that they weren't getting enough reader questions to keep the column going.

I like Star Trek and I liked the movie. I'd say it was about even split of fans in the "like/dislike" camp.

Well, there are plenty of examples from across the pond - British shows tend to have limited runs compared with American shows. Not all the time, but a good number of them. Blackadder, Fawlty Towers, Yes [Prime] Minister, Father Ted, Black Books, etc.

Agreed, the show ended - it wrapped things up and rode off into the sunset. Even if all this time hadn't passed where could they really take the story and characters?

A lot of people point to the "car in the lake" scene as the shark jumping moment but for me it was the skit Micheal and Holly did at the company meet. I just couldn't believe that either character - yes, even Michael Scott - would be that fucking clueless or heartless.

"It's seriously one of the handful of reasons I haven't given in to my wife and emigrated to Oz. "

"sweet tea" vs "Yankee tea"

Maybe because new episodes are broadcast at 1:30am?

It's a bold new style of synergistic management theory! Proactive to the EXTREME!

Maybe the boner would like some pizza. Or ice cream.

Sex Girl Patrol to the rescue!

All these comments…
…and not one joke about Vegemite. Impressive!

Is the manatee a zombie?


Blame FOX.

That's a reference to a couple of SNL sketchs Hartman did in the early 90s in which he played "Russell Clark, senior editor of Sassy Magazine":

There are a couple more from NewsRadio as well: