
I'm so sorry to do this but…

"And not to be racist, but the real Idi Amin is kind of a dick."

1942 - the year we found the answers to the question of life, the universe and everything.

Marge: No, coffee!
Barkeep: beer?
Marge: C-O-F..
Barkeep: B-E-E…

layman: That "extended" scene you're remembering is in the original US broadcast version (and is on the DVDs) but is usually cut in syndication.

God-fucking-damnit. Ok, I completely missed that reference. *sigh*

ludicrous: Nope, not at all. I really don't like that episode. I just don't think it's that funny, I didn't find the story all that engaging and I had little interest in the parade of guest voices.


Yep, the infamous "crossover" episode which so infuriated Matt Groening that he threw the ultimate hissy-fit and had his name removed from the opening credits.

Are you thinking of Burns' vanity biopic from "A Star is Burns"? The one directed by Senor Spielbergo?

The "Unfortunate Events" movie suffered the standard "Jim Carrey mug-a-thon" fate. Carrey would've made a great Olaf if he had toned it down a bit and actually played the character closer to how he's written in the series.

Don't be silly dae. He had it written on a Post-it note that was stuck to the ceiling. You don't write on ceilings! That's not what it's there for.

The lie detector sketch was also brilliant. And seconding the Pre-Taped call-in show. Cross' performance in that was absolutely perfect.

I don't know Xenu. I used to believe you were the one true lord and master but that whole being-put-on-hold-and-ignored-by-Comcast has really caused me to question my trust in your vast and evil powers.

Why were you fired? Merciless abuse of customers? Pirating operation? Embezzlement? Stinky socks?

I knew it. I think the really the same animal and that there's a conspiracy and cover-up at play here.

Armadillo? Really? What does armadillo taste like? Don't say chicken. Can you get armadillo jerky?

@Jorge - I don't know about Canadian iced tea specifically but I do know finding decent - and particularly unsweetened - iced tea outside the US (and Japan) is damn near impossible. At least in my very, very limited experience. In Australia and New Zealand all they have generally is bottled "Nestea" crap. They don't

The "salty ham" sketch from KITH
That one always makes me crave a tall glass of iced tea. Unsweetened iced tea.

The same goes for Fawlty Towers.