
And when will banshees finally get their time in the sun?

Ghouls…fraudulent ghouls. Each and every one of them. It saddens me that not only do people still believe these hucksters have "psychic" abilities but that they will actually give money to them as well.

"He was actually crucified for insisting the Decembrists were better than the Beatles."

Writing "only for the Lord."
That's the kiss of death.


Oooh! Tough break there Arsenio. There's always next year though….

"Making fun of "black people do stuff like this, white people do stuff like THIS" isn't owned by The Simpsons, for Christ's sake."

The only old Simpsons joke that stood out to me (from the episodes I've seen so far) was Tracy Jordan's "blacks dial the phone like this, whites dial the phone like this" flashback. I do remember a Newsradio joke (when Liz walks into Jack's office and starts ranting unaware that he was on a speakerphone conference

Bruce McCulloch made a fairly attractive woman as well. Not quite a match for Foley's Jocelyn but close.

You shot who in the what now?

"Nobody except a few uptight douchebags on this page has noticed or cared."

"David Spade even says "this never gets old" about watching his dead friend so he obviously is talking highly of Farley."

"who the hell is tyler perry?"

Her work on Double Fantasy wasn't … completely…. disruptive.

"Is that the same one where she invented blowjobs?"

It was actually the third book of the series. It's the one where the tall, blond, blue-eyed, perfectly shaped heroine Ayla invents sewing. The second book was the one where she invented cigarette lighters and horseback riding.

"Pressing cancel does nothing!"

Not quite. Groening said he wouldn't license the Duff name because he didn't want to encourage under-age drinking. He wasn't stating that The Simpsons itself was "a kid's show". And it'd be pretty hard to argue that the show doesn't appeal to kids no matter how intelligent and sophisticated it was.

There's always Portland, Oregon: "Pacific Northwest - very hot!"

Does blood cheese taste anything like moon cheese?