
Meme: The Movie

You know it's not like this whole "open the package and it's ready" is entirely new and frightening and confusing. It's basically just an MRE with prettier packaging and maybe more flavors.

So when can we expect to see a horror movie based around Twitter?

"Is there still a whole Sendak store at the Metreon in San Francisco?"

Well, not all at once. Don't forget: properly wrapped meats will keep for up to a year in the freezer!

Try a little bit of greek yogurt. It's pleasantly tart.

Just like Men's Pocky
Almost exactly the same as regular Pocky (a thin pretzel stick dipped in chocolate) but more manly. You can tell it's for men because the box has a darker color scheme than other non-manly Pocky flavors. Apparently brighter colors scare the lads off.

Vampire Squad!
In Color

Why don't we throw Jay Leno in there as well to bring it up to 42?

I think the term you're looking for is "lifetime grudge".


There are lots of problems in S7.

Or just a)? Or 2)? Or i) and ii) Why Arsenio why??

Did Sandra Bullock have to sleep with Sandra Bullock to get the part though?

Which means it actually lost 69 million. And that is certainly not a number to joke about! No siree.

"Hard to believe that all happened in the span of six thousand years. But it's science."

They're still not as weird as Jehovah's Witnesses though.

That is awesome. Kudos to you sir!

Not to mention Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer was extremely perceptive and well-spoken. I doubt UCL would deign to take Joe Francis case in the first place.