J Ho

My favorite thing about that song is that time David Letterman was making fun of the end of it and Eddie Vedder just showed up to sing it: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I'm in the same boat as Jack Frink on Aya Davanita. I think if you lok at what could be considered "filler" tracks on Vitalogy, you can only really make arguments for "Pry, To", "Bugs", "Aya Davanita", and "Stupid Mop". Of those, "Pry, To" and "Aya Davanita" really just feel like loose improvised jams, which I think

Young Jenny Lewis is mad at you for not liking that movie and she's gonna tell her dad about it. Just as soon as he gets back from his current trucking run. Man, being a trucker is awesome.

Super unrealistic, yea, but I also think this is where most people (or at least I) learned about the crouch on the white block thing.

I like how the straightest QBs are accused rapists.

Ear the Walking Dead

Italy, brah. They're like…everywhere.

Klarion the Witch in You Boy

I too like these breakdowns with Josh Modell and young Bob Saget

FALSE. It's the best song by a Canadian one-hit wonder brother-sister duo taking the roles of a romantic couple in a way that makes the song, and particularly the video, seem really disturbing once you learn of the singers' relationship that is based around a sample of a song performed by a porn star, ever.

How did you write this whole article without even a passing mention of Zodiac? Though the story doesn't run as long as some of the others mentioned here, I think it was the first time I was wholly engrossed in a story for more than two hours without any sort of resolution at the end and I still loved it when all was

Wrong! It's Nohn Frusciante

Is Abracadabralifornia on this one?

It's actually Chareth. Chareth Cutestory.

Fancy B Read is my favorite literary based rapper.

Mother's Day.

Vince Gilligan emailed me how the final scene goes down, and here it is:

Sort of my exact assumption at this point.  Vogel is the killer.  The reveal will be underwhelming.

Yvan Eht Nioj