Horrible Nameless One

If the episode was made of spare Harry Caray footage, would you eat it up?

I agree with Robin, Matt. If that's your real name.

How'd it get burned, Trebek? HOW'D IT GET BURNED?!?


You put an extra "p" in rapper.

Why is Jack's son hanging out with Lucious Malfoy?


I was 13 years old when my dad took me to see The Last of the Mohicans in the theater. I left the theater shaking; I was blown away by the father-son bonding experience of watching a decent Madeline Stowe movie.

Are you implying that marketing departments have their own assassins on retainer? Because I've been saying that for years now.

"Look at me. I'm Leatherface" [followed by semi-violent coughing fit that somehow turns into coarse laughter]

By Grapthar's Hammer… … …what a savings.

He was the best he can ever be (live) in Galaxy Quest, which is still an amazing movie.

Yeah, whatever happened to Boypussy, anyway?

Best/Worst Case Scenarios: 2 Broke Girls

It's a greasy yet delicious slope.

*The More You Know…

Yeah, but what a ride.

You mean onions.


Aw, blow out a flip-flop, Buffet.