ryan major

canobie lake park
salem, nh.

i don't know how bon jovi was doing in 1999, but they are inexplicably really fucking popular again. i wonder if NBC would think this show is too alienating to the lowest common denominator at this point.

not to my knowledge.


i like board games, but i made it approximately three episodes into the show before i gave up.

i think it was the best of winger that put him over the edge.

background noise.

dave likes the buzzcocks
makes me like him even more.

you know what bothers me about john fogerty?

you know how tom died?

maybe they will tone down the gruff, breathless mumbleshouting in this installment.


i don't like this expression:
"playing close to the vest".

i guess this means coheed and cambria is not successful enough where they can buy a doctor to prescribe their members the drugs they so badly want.

pills made of oxygen that keep you from being incontinent.
robbing massachusetts pharmacies for OCs was a big thing in like, 2003. come on, guy.

this needs
"celebrate summer" by t. rex.

who is demanding kevin james be in things?
i want names, dammit.

sean o'neal goes on vacation, newswire slows down, my work day seems longer.

it means. . .

you know what?
i don't trust the little clock that says when the site was updated.