ryan major

hey! gross.

wye oak of sitcoms.

community is the wye oak of sitcoms at the av club.


I had this on VHS with a lot of the original commercials- holiday m & m's, krispy kritters, leonard part 8, some animated pinnochio sequel, doublemint gum, osh kosh b'gosh, casio sampling keyboard, tv movie about the three magi in modern times.


an interview with steve mcqueen . . . FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE!

no wye oak?

i really dig this. i can't decide if i like it more than castlemania.

my secretary, who normally proofreads my comments, was out that day. her mother died.

watch "the future is unwritten". you get a much better idea of who joe was and what a dick he felt like after the clash stopped being good and he kicked mick jones out.

"guns of bwixton"

hey you know what i'd like to see? a mick jones biopic.

hey! i'll see that. probably for the best that it's not julien temple or don letts handling this.

i propose some sort of speculative science fiction work where all technology developed prior to, say, 1974 disappears from the earth and we can't recreate it. people would have to start bands, play in bars and clubs and rely on word of mouth, posted flyers, and print journalism to get their names out there.

RIP clarence

probably the first episode i saw of this show.

i'm with scott on this one.

i like deerhunter more.

wow. this guy has been in a lot of crappy movies!