Here's another shot of the board which shows all the monster names on the right hand side too.
Here's another shot of the board which shows all the monster names on the right hand side too.
@avclub-08ae6a26b7cb089ea588e94aed36bd15:disqus Yes, exactly, and it also ties in to Whitford ruminating a little sadly on how odd it is that he actually kind of wants Dana to survive, like he's surprised that after all this time he can still care a little bit, but then snapping right out of it for tequila time when…
I managed to completely forget it too. Glad I'm not the only one…
Yeah, I didn't manage to read them myself but a friend told me that it's variants on 'Help me!' followed by a final "I'm the intern."
I've seen the Buffy episode 'Homecoming' suggested, because that does actually have a horror-cabin setup (and aired in the right year), but I'm not sure it would fit the profile at all. Unless of course the cabin was all set up ready for the proper tributes but Mr Trick got wind of it and decided to use it to get rid…
@avclub-1beee9fdd7f132dc2f36c09ae265122c:disqus hmm, I thought he was just a human (albeit a creepy one that none of the rest really liked). But I guess he could be a very specific demon that just likes hanging around chewing tobacco, too.
Again due to the delay, I think this cameo was written/filmed before the Paul one. Sigh. Ah well.
The Japanese ritual looked a lot simpler though - get kids in a schoolroom (not difficult), lock the door (easy), unleash ghostly hell on them (straightforward). I'm not aware of any conventions in J-horror films about who has to die first, so theoretically all the control room there has to do is sit back and watch…
The Japanese scenes were in daylight, no? I think the girls were in school. So maybe they can all happen at the same time, because not all of them require a night-time setting?
And where did the trowel come from?!
Wonder what would have happened, mythically speaking, if the unicorn attacked the virgin…
The department names are almost as interesting as the monsters. "Story Dept"?
Okay, here's something I just want to geek out about a bit: how almost perfectly inverse Fran Kranz's role here is from his role in Dollhouse.
Hah, I like the idea that the audience gets grumpy because the ritual didn't play out in the way it demands. Because if you look on twitter, there's a fair bit of that reaction going around. And I guess those people would happily scrunch up this film and throw it away and go look for a new one…
I think if she were still technically a virgin, she wouldn't look so shocked and say '…me?' when she's told that's the role she's playing. But maybe.
I'm not sure if every country has its own gods, or if there's a central pool of gods that is pleased by different sorts of sacrifices from all the cultures that worship it, and that's why the rituals were all different (i.e. it has to be something that implicates the culture as a whole in their immoral enjoyment of…
Maybe it's because trees are fairly stationary so it can only molest other trees within branch-reach and that yew tree next door is horribly old and wrinkly. It wants some young saplings to gently twig.
It was the bit where they kept him on speakerphone that killed me. The first time, yeah, okay, seen that before, but that they would consciously keep winding up someone that crazy was just funny.
@avclub-92d96da583b3bf0ca7d61ab3b3aba04b:disqus , that wasn't exactly how I remembered it. I thought the explanation was that there had been a power surge which knocked out their ability to collapse the tunnel, which would make sense with Marty messing around and also mean that Jenkins wasn't specifically bypassing…
I definitely think this has more of a doomed outlook than Buffy. Angel essentially ends with a similar choice to bring all hell down on them for the sake of a bit of standing up for themselves, even if it only results in Hell-A rather than the destruction of all humanity…