
I think she'd have done karaoke under duress with Lilly egging her on. She'd still have been a good singer, but she wouldn't have had the ballsy confidence to just *own* the song (and would have envied Lilly's ability to do so). That's part of her transition to kickass PI, yeah. It therefore doesn't seem out of

Season 1 is undoubtedly the best, but I too have a lot of time for season 3. It tried to do some complicated things, not the least of which was highlighting how awful Veronica herself can be, which ended up putting a lot of people off the show, I think. But dammit, Veronica *was* awful at times, and I loved watching

Although the drug was being handed out by the guy who we later see is a zombie, and I can't remember the boat party clearly enough to be sure whether he was or was not a zombie when he was handing it out. I seem to recall him having normal skin/hair tone, but I guess he might be better at application of bronzer?

"Bin Lorry" is the more common variant. I'd let it slide though because I imagine I'd stop saying "bin lorry" pretty fast if I lived in the US, to stop people laughing at me…

I agree with the article in general, but mostly just wanted to say that that's an excellent Virginia Woolf quote. I've considered Jane Austen in the context of showing real village life and her wonderfully pointed portrayal of individual characters, but it just never really occurred to me how much of her books is

I'm another weird example where the spoiler wasn't really a spoiler for what I thought it was, which therefore ended up spoiling my experience in a different way. I watched all of Joss Whedon's shows long after they aired, thanks to a friend who decided I should. When trying to convince me to keep watching Buffy,

Or that the view on the camera screens the security guard was watching clearly showed the whole width of the corridor, so it wouldn't have worked?

Really enjoyed this episode. May have to disagree with you (and some other commenters) on the security camera dance/baby birth segment in particular, as for once I felt that was something given dramatic weight by the directing which was actually able to take it - Neal braving the ultimate high security with Peter

I would also go A-, though for me the - is due to the fact that the one thing recoverable off Mozzie's over-encrypted computer is his real name. Bit of a stretch.

There's definitely a different feel, where it starts to feel like things are actually at risk again. The show had that sense in the arc episodes of s1, where it was really still possible that Neal could lose Peter's trust entirely, and so I'm loving that it's beginning to feel that way again.

Huh, okay - I clearly just forgot both of those. So what did Moz finance all the island stuff with? Just one or two paintings? I suppose that's realistic if he got a good price for them…

Was anybody else irrationally bugged by the fact that, as Peter drove his shiny new BMW away, the wingmirrors were still folded in? Argh.

Mozzie kept half, I think? Certainly a reasonable proportion. And by 'kept half' I mean 'didn't even reveal to Neal that there was another half until after Keller stole the rest back.' A trusting sort, is Moz.

I thought that's exactly what Neal was trying to do, attempting to save the situation in case Peter had been paying attention. As to whether it worked… well, Peter looked like he found it an awfully convenient and immediate explanation. As, indeed, it was. Nil-sum game as usual between them…

I have not seen that - Lear is a play I know very little about, and only really went to see because my friends talked me into it. I must try other versions of it someday, definitely.

I would do that, but have an additional complication in that I'm living in a shared house which doesn't own a tv and if we did get one then we'd have to split the licence fee between us (UK), or I'd have to pay it on my own… yeah, it's just easier not to bother for the moment. I'm going to need a new computer soon so

How have I never come across this discussion before? Oh yeah, because I usually shun the TI entirely… my bad.

I still need to finish watching this season. I have dvds, but am currently stuck with no multi-region dvd player and a slow old computer that won't cooperate with me. I've seen this episode, but no further (decided to watch S&A right before quitting my job and going travelling - great for me, less good for my tv

I haven't watched the show in a couple of years and I don't even remember these early iterations of Crichton having his head messed with. There are some pretty damn beautiful ones to come, though.

I've been assuming James will die ever since it was clear he was Neal's dad. Yes it would feel repetitive after Ellen, yes he could potentially just go on the run again instead, but it doesn't feel like this show would want to keep two father figures around for Neal in the long term. It also feels like Neal and James