
They claimed that all the coconuts and their husks were wet and useless, which is probably true. I don't know. To me, it seemed like they didn't really try too hard to get it started. Probably just the editing.

I'll put in a vote for Troyzan.

Concerning Colton's idol, I think they already knew. On the CBS website, a plethora of additional "secret" clips are posted. Last week they posted one in which Michael and Colton get into a bit of an argument over Colton's inability to recognize that he should do more than sit on his ass while the others are working.

I think Jay is going to be sticking around for a bit. He quickly jumped to the misfit alliance after realizing he had no choice. I think Michael or Bill are the next Ken dolls to go. And they should be.

Yeah, they really edited Bill to be some bizarre hyena hybrid tonight. In the first two episodes, he seemed relatively sane and less annoying than the other Ken dolls. But, damn. His maniacal laughing at tribal tonight was unreal.

Great episode tonight. Reminded me why I love this show so much.

Kat is eye candy? The hell?

I think I know which Colton line you're referring to, because I thought the same damn thing.

I really enjoyed this premiere episode. There are lots of outlandish personalities and I'm totally okay with this. Should be a good season.

Colby won two more than Kelly.

The prize was still just $1 million, but they did that dumbass "America's Tribal Council" thing that produced another $1 million winner.

I wouldn't say that Rich completely lacked survival skills. He was certainly no Grizzly Adams, but he seemed to have a better grasp on the survival element than most of the contestants (Ramona, Gervase, Sonja). He demonstrated that he was a pretty damn good fisherman, while most of the alpha males in the game couldn't

Uh… Why wouldn't he?

Beats the hell out of Rosie O'Donnell-hosted reunions. Let me be the first to say she ruined Marquesas. Somehow.

Only a few states don't have income tax, so the combination of the feds and state usually come in at just under 50%.

I think Michael would be my pick for Australia, as well. His dedication to the survival aspect of the game was unrivaled. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing some more barbaric pig hunting/slaughtering. That being said, he may not be up to it. If I recall correctly, at the end of the Outback season, there was a special

Yeah, it's always fascinated me how Elisabeth transformed from a very likable, seemingly intelligent Survivor contestant to a completely intolerable bitch in a mere two years. What went wrong?

Just watched this compilation. It's surprisingly impressive. Most impressive.

Ah, yes. I had forgotten about their lackluster bargaining. I think it was Rodger who said with the utmost confidence, "Well, I think a couple of blankets for all that fucking rice is totally fair." Or something like that.

Probst took both their tarps and Colby's Texas flag, which was utilized as another cover. In return, he gave them plenty of rice and a whole new set of fishing hooks and such. Due to turtles and inexperience, they had managed to lose all other hooks prior to this. What was great about this unusual trade is that about