
Boy, that sure clears up a lot. Makes much more sense now.

I'm with you on this. I actually kinda liked the campy feel the films had, and I felt this style was rather reflective of the F4 comics. The F4 comics (especially in the earlier releases) never took themselves too seriously. I'm remembering an early issue in which the Four dressed up like pirates in order to bamboozle

Ah, it appears you are correct. Why would you turn down pizza in any form while starving on an island? Rudy was probably still repulsed by the whole 'kids out of wedlock' bit. Probably made him sick to his goddamn stomach.

I hadn’t seen any of the Borneo season since it aired, and I’ve been following along with Meredith’s review week by week and really enjoying it. It’s not surprising that I hardly recall any of the actual strategy from the game; I was just 11 when it initially aired.
Things I noticed, and maybe you did too: