
It does. Pretty amazing.

Yes, this. There have been times when, after a particularly unexciting episode, coming here to still dissect every damn aspect of the show has been more enjoyable than actually watching the show. Bizarre how that works.

Yes, this. There have been times when, after a particularly unexciting episode, coming here to still dissect every damn aspect of the show has been more enjoyable than actually watching the show. Bizarre how that works.

As someone who received this notification while watching an episode of Survivor from 2002, this greatly exceeded my expectations. Now, back to Thailand…

As someone who received this notification while watching an episode of Survivor from 2002, this greatly exceeded my expectations. Now, back to Thailand…

I'm glad to hear that Probst legitimately doesn't like Colton. I read an interview with Probst about how he felt Colton quit the game because he didn't really have appendicitis. It was a severe bacterial infection, but Probst was saying he could have lasted longer if he wanted. Prior to reading these comments, I just

Russel Swan didn't break his leg. During a challenge, his heart rate plunged and he stopped responding. And he was a pretty ripped dude, so it was rather surprising.

I liked the part where Kim won.

@avclub-9b3eca27b368c5a2a7efc94dc5c4afc5:disqus 60?! Goddamn.

I'm pretty sure you can bring anyone you want. They've had best friends, co-workers, etc.

I'm glad Chelsea brought up the fact that Kat uses her age as a crutch. I just turned 23, and I don't want to brag or anything, but I know what an appendix is, how to count in increments of 20, and the correct meaning of the word "touché."

Ah, yes. Albert. He continued to have that mindset at the reunion. How someone can have such a low level of self-awareness is beyond me.

I'm fucking thrilled about Kat's removal from the game. If I were playing, I would have definitely been thinking along the lines of what Kim was pushing for (the removal of Sabrina), but as a viewer, this was just what I wanted. As I've reiterated week after week, Kat's nincompoopery and ignorance drove me up the

My observations:

Mikayla from South Pacific posed for Playboy last year. They weren't featuring her for Survivor, however. It was a Lingerie Football League thingy.

I'm fascinated by whatever the fuck is happening to Tarzan's chest.

I met Rupert when I was working for the Indiana State Fair last year. He was with his family and asked me where the restroom facilities were. I'm sure I giggled like a school girl before pointing him in the right direction.

Ah. Yeah, Ralph couldn't spell or always form grammatically correct sentences, but he had common sense, at least. And I'm sure he knows what an appendix is.

Fabio said "dude" a lot, but seemed way more aware of how his fellow tribe members perceived him and at times noted playing up the surfer dude role. Kat isn't capable of this (low) level of strategy.

He was insane, not necessarily dumb.