
I, too, was irked at Troy initially, but the lie wasn't at all farfetched. And Troy and Kim have been pretty close since the swap. Troy can be forgiven, I feel.

Oh, no. I'm talking about watching the show. If I'm playing the game, Kat is exactly who I want to keep around. Players like her, as you said, are usually very loyal. The Tarzans of Survivor are too crazy and unpredictable and are usually nothing but a liability.

Nah. I'd pick obnoxious with somewhat of a brain over dumb as shit any day.

I liked this episode. There wasn't a lot of personal drama. There wasn't a wacky side story about Tarzan's undies. For the majority of the time, we got good ol' fashion Survivor challenges and strategy.


@m0nit0rman:disqus Touché.

Leif voted for Mike.

You hit on something I also realized tonight. It's a fun season because most people don't seem to "get" the game. This is probably because most are probably recruited and weren't hardcore enough to actually fill out the application, film a video, etc. It's obvious Troyzan, Jonas, and Colton are fans of the game, but

Who is driving? Bear is driving? How can that be?!

Undergrads was, in fact, real and enjoyable. Like Clerks: The Animated Series, its run wasn't long at all. I think it aired on MTV for some reason…

I'm honestly pretty excited about this. As some have noted, this cartoon was some of the best work Smith did.

At some point last week I believe CBS renewed the show (and Jeff) for 2 more seasons.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was. The tribe is huge, but given the 'One World' theme, they needed to be back in the same camp. It's been said a million times that too many people in one camp would make it difficult for the average viewer to know who was on what tribe. An early merge addresses this concern.

You're pretty much right on, I think. Troyzan and Sabrina seem to be the obvious front-runners. I still like to think Jonas can pull something off, as well.

And just like that, One World is back on! I noted last week that the early dismissal of the main concept seemed bizarre, so I'm very glad they brought it back so quickly. The previews for next week's episode indicate that everyone will fall back to the male vs. female mold, but I'm just glad they'll be back together

Amazing. They're obviously great musicians, but they take it to another level with their performances. The energy was unreal.

I've never seen Springsteen, but the Dylan show I went to had a remarkably long setlist, with about 25 songs in total.

Oh, that Dylan. He's so bizarre live, but I love it. About 4 years ago, I had two tickets to see him and was pumped because this was the one guy I wanted to see before he croaked. And, hell, that could be any day now. Highway 61 Revisited and Blood on the Tracks are two of my all-time favorite albums, and I assumed

I went ahead and purchased tickets for Coldplay's Viva la Vida Tour, despite the unreasonable prices and the fact that I favor small venues. In fact, this show was the only arena show I've seen (I saw Arcade Fire in an arena once, but only because the venue it was supposed to be in couldn't operate that day and it was

I'm also quite the Gorillaz fan, yet haven't seen them live. Dying to. I did, however, catch the live webcast of their Live in Harlem show. That was pretty rad and sounded great.