Headache With Pictures

We have unlimited juice? This episode is gonna be off…the hook…

I figure it's that group of Eyes Wide Shut assholes from up on Rich Man's Hill.

I…can't believe I'm about to say this, but: I hope they kill off Winona and the baby.

Wounds won't last long, 
but an insulting song
Burns will always carry with him!
So I'll settle my score on the salsa floor,
With this vengeful Latin rhythm…

Constable Bob has this tattooed on his back:

I got dragged to see him at a shitty community centre when I was an asshole fifteen-year-old, fully expecting to hate the show and then take it out on my parents later.

He got cloggerooed with a gumboot.

Other secrets Shelby's hiding:

Mallory ordered Pam to get the reservation, lest her fighting fish be pickled in bourbon. Pam asked Carol/Cheryl to give Whatshisname a hand-job in order to get the machine that they needed to get the secret phone number to get the reservation. Then, they somehow convinced Whatshisname to make the phone call for them

"We're nut rubbers."

I've always wanted Donna Moss to say that to me.


I'm going to need you to explain how Reservoir Dogs is essentially one, very long scene.

I'm going to need you to explain how Reservoir Dogs is essentially one, very long scene.



He must have also omitted the fact that Nazir brought up the text from Brody that saved Nazir's life in Beirut, right? Because they don't know about that yet?

He must have also omitted the fact that Nazir brought up the text from Brody that saved Nazir's life in Beirut, right? Because they don't know about that yet?

SORKIN: Gosh, Lena, it usually takes people the better part of an hour to hate me and everything I stand for! It's six to five and pick 'em on this! My father has had a woman in an apartment in Santa Monica for 28 years! You've got legs that go all the way down to the floor!

SORKIN: Gosh, Lena, it usually takes people the better part of an hour to hate me and everything I stand for! It's six to five and pick 'em on this! My father has had a woman in an apartment in Santa Monica for 28 years! You've got legs that go all the way down to the floor!