Headache With Pictures

Boyd Crowder is objectively awesome.

Azor Ahai of Arthur Dayne?

Ellen Ripley, dude.

Ehremantraut means "all encompassing strength" in German, and is entirely badass.

Pump your brakes, kid. That man's a national treasure.

And Niles' ties were always off the fucking chain.

You speak the Tru Tru.

HAHAHAHA! Formidable!

I always pictured this being the punchline to…

Norm Macdonald told a story about Rodney, when he met him back on SNL.

"Can you feel the tension in the air? I can feel it all way down in my plums…swollen, got a bluish hue to 'em. Juicy and ready for the pickin'."


“My work here is done.”

Weird to see Hitchens on the list, but not his hero George Orwell, who literally wrote Nineteen-Eighty-Four on his death bed, on the Island of Jura, with a typewriter pinned between his chest and knees.

Does The Trotsky count?

I might have been high, but I seem to remember an SCTV sketch that started as a Crosby-Hope road movie, and then slid into Chinatown, and ended with a guy eating poisoned ribs, and then getting hit by a truck hauling ribs…and it runs over his ribs. Anyone?

Butt Sucker. Suckin' Butts.

I'm partial to "mincing the pale marmalade" and "squeezing out some gentlemen's relish", myself.

Did you just say "keytar" or did you pronounce "guitar" like a hillbilly?

Bit o' raspberry jam back there, eh, mates?