Headache With Pictures

Absolutely. Loves his wife to death, is happy in every respect, and is good at his (very useful) job.

It's the latter. Dickens' protagonists seem shallow to us because we've become accustomed to having an inside line to character's internal monologues.

There's an honest-to-goodness spontaneous combustion scene.

She's kind, thoughtful, nerdy and female!

Jerkass Homer is the Anti-Christ.

"This is Tony Pope…LIVE, with HARD CORE!"

There were two black guys in Predator.

I've always had the hots for Mary Bennett — in the book, in both of the BBC series, in the 1940 film, and the 2005 film. I would take her on that piano of hers in a second.

Well, he was supposed to be Bill Clinton, minus all the dick-sucking. So, yeah, they included the pompous, self-righteous and judgmental parts of his personality. They also nailed the restless, angry and charming parts, too, though, I'd say.

"That's a shame."

Neville Longbottom and the Scorching Genital Nargles.

The Film Students at my local university recently showed Feeling Minnesota, Singles and Casino Royale on consecutive nights.

Tom Cruise looks like a Pixar creation. Brad Bird looks like the mascot for Irish Spring sunblock.

I actually think "Die Harder" is the funniest.

In The Incredibles, the call-sign of the airplane that Elastigirl borrows to fly out to Syndrome's island is IG-99 ["India-Golf-Niner-Niner"].

Kent Mansley is a terrific '50s movie name, too.

Agreed. It's my favourite Pixar movie simply because of the extended scene in the cave where the Mom explains to Violet and Dash how the real world works, and then Violet tries to apologize to her Mom for not saving the airplane.

Don't let @fastandsloppy:disqus  hear you say that.

I assume you mean live, action movies and not live action movies?

Well, duh. It was a movie about the emotive power of food. Of course something like that was going to be the best scene.