Headache With Pictures

No, what you'll do is dredge up that pointless argument about the massive cop out of an ending that got tacked on.

I just don't dig on swine, that's all.

That Stephen Tobolowski sure is a handsome fellow.

"Spotted: Dick Clark Has Passed Away"


They're like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.

Yeah, holy crap…he's older than Olivia de Havilland and Ernest Borgnine!

No-one must know I dropped my glasses in the toilet. Not I, the man who framed the Paris Peace Accords.

I think that the worst thing about the story is that he was dating someone who reported to him at work. The power imbalance (both in terms of coercion and in terms of favouritism) is toxic. It should have been stopped immediately by someone higher up the food chain. He probably would have been fired, and could have

"I was just coming out of a years-long, extremely deep depression"

He kept himself young by devouring all of Johnny Carson's jokes about how he never aged.

Alternate universe HipsterDBag is known as LawyerVTube.

She'll wake up next to Bob Newhart tomorrow morning, and it'll turn out that her entire life was just one of her character's dreams.

My only problem with it is that Dick Clark already hadn't done a New Year's Eve broadcast since 2006.

It's a Unix System. I know this!

That's like saying the last episode of Newhart wasn't brilliant.


It must be very uncomfortable for her, knowing that Joss has seen those photos. Along with every other guy she works with forever.

All the Chinese people were busy doing everyone's laundry.

Everything changed after they discovered the Babel Fish planet.