Sean Cauffiel

If the very last one was "I'm afraid no one will buy my "Title of Something" for "dollar amount" at "megastore" and other outlets" and the whole thing was a plug, that would regoddamdiculously brilliant.

Oh, you are SO racist. "Really, really dark place"? Yeah, we get it, KKK. Go back to your mountain village.

Cloth-eyes. Hilarious.

In about the same amount of time as writing this message, you could have googled it.

I think its a small part of the process in problem solving.


The two best looking people on the show are leaving. The only reason left to watch is Nick Offerman.

When Walter watches his wife tumble over the ledge, HE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT AT ALL. What was the point of that?

They didn't ignore it. They said he "stopped drinking beer." Well, thats pretty much ignoring it.

And of course the Whites live at 308 Black Creek Lane.

This is amazing and wonderful.

It really annoyed me that the girl got hit by the car, but then just went home instead of the hospital and was "sick" (not injured).

Like Dexter, this series wasted a great premise for a lot of good storytelling.

I agree, I've never liked that catch phrase or the pointless fake Spanish accent she uses to say it.

Uh…. so, no one has actually mentioned that Walt started doing this so he could leave a sufficient amount of money to his family, and THATS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED IN THE END.

Its only an hour long show, dude.

Actually, everything was cool until the last episode of the the third season. If Jesse hadn't gone after those drug dealers who killed Thomas, they would both still be cooking in Fring's superlab just like a regular job, they'd be rich, and law enforcement wouldn't be any closer to discovering them.

Wow, you're right…… age much, Uncle Jack?

He's the white Morgan Freeman.

Los Sherbert Hermanos