
I prefer to just call it "shit"

I cringe every time I see some contestant on one of those american idol shows referred to as "a rocker" because they have funny colored hair and  heard a Nirvana song that one time.

and Neil Young

The first one is pretty fun to watch  if you have someone to make fun of it with while you are watching it. its pretty laugh out loud bad. Its the only one I've seen so i can't comment on the others.

You know I've always considered myself to be a pretty big PJ fan, but when I go through their discography and actually point out the songs I like, its maybe 2 albums worth of material (all pretty much from the first decade of PJ)

EVH is still alive? imagine that.

My 15 year old niece loves Broke Inside. I told her dad, he grounded her for 2 months.

A polished turd is still a turd.

It…ok. IF you like the everquest style of MMOs ( pretty much all of them) and Star Wars. you will love it. If doing one more fetch quest or "kill x amount of these guys" quests that you've been doing for 10 years, you may want to look elsewhere, like Guild Wars 2.

I just have one question . Why does Bethesda hate PC gamers so much? Is it really too much to ask to have a UI that actually works in there AAA title? Just like every TES game ever, the game will be much better after the modders fix everything that Bethesda couldn't be bothered to do correctly.

but Bush is a 90s band and since when were they popular in the 2000s?

I  find Hebert hilarious most of the time.


The Terriers theme song is my phones ringtone

As someone who has done his time in call centers that part had me rolling.

I've always enjoyed this show for the supporting cast more so than the leads. but its a decent enough show for what it is.

Funny Castle is the only one of those thats still decent,

you could do it for under a grand if you build it yourself/. Hell I built mine for about 600.00.  when I initially built it about 6 months ago. I recently upgradedmy video card though to a geforce 560ti so I could run ultra setting(because why not?) but my previous setup could do medium easily.

I don't know if you've been in a plane yet, but they are kind of fucked at the moment. you start out with shit, no flares, or missiles. so if anyone on the other team already has those, your screwed.  jets and helos alike are also incredibly fragile. it doesn't take much to get them to the 50% disable point.