
HR switched places with Iris using the digital costume thingy. Wally snuck him in while he was distracted by the speed force bazooka. calling it now

Saves the Day's album Stay What You Are is still one of my favorite albums of all time. I would love to hear "This is Not an Exit" with fresh ears again.

HE has definitely said some terrible shit and he has apologized for it. I recently read an article about he he actually met the police officer he said those things to and personally apologized.

Shes till sounds basically the same although she has become a better singer than she was on those older albums. If I recall from interviews when she first came out she has no intentions of changing her voice.

Jay Garrick Flash is a real person on Earth2(or another earth in the multiverse) Hunter captured him stole his speed, and stuck him in a cage with an iron mask and assumed his identity so he could fuck with everyone on earth 2. When he found Barry he used that persona to his advantage to insert himself(or a piece of

If there is on way to get under the skin of a DW fan, is to constantly refer to the doctor as "Doctor Who".

I fell asleep l halfway through the first song.

yeah i've heard they have access to at least basic recipes. Otherwise it wouldn't really make since to have someone say "i've never made xx in my life" and then have it come out perfect.


The only song I liked on that American Lesion album was Cease, but that is probably becasue it is a Bad religion song. I liked Cold as Clay though.

Meanwhile, that-guy-who-plays-Ted-Mosby is thankful for one more year of a steady paycheck.

Meanwhile, that-guy-who-plays-Ted-Mosby is thankful for one more year of a steady paycheck.

Oh fuck off Television wouldn't lie to me, but the internet would.

Oh fuck off Television wouldn't lie to me, but the internet would.

I've seen them  3 times. One show was absolutely fantastic, one they were really drunk  and sloppy, and the other they just didn't seem that in to it. Incidentally the two times that sucked were both at warped tour.

I've seen them  3 times. One show was absolutely fantastic, one they were really drunk  and sloppy, and the other they just didn't seem that in to it. Incidentally the two times that sucked were both at warped tour.

I though she was the replacement Lindsey Lohan

I though she was the replacement Lindsey Lohan

ncc1701 but we have black people  AND Hispanics in Oklahoma in abundance. The take my Mcdonalds order all the time.

ncc1701 but we have black people  AND Hispanics in Oklahoma in abundance. The take my Mcdonalds order all the time.