
The sound is outstanding.  BF games have always had exceptional sound design though and this game is no different. The graphics are quality, especially on PC. The console versions suffer from a little screen tearing and texture pop in, but it seems dice has really pushed the limit of what the consoles are capable of

" I think Battlefield is the pinnacle of Halo-derived FPSes"

Last Caress is the most covered Misfits song

Game of the Year All Years. We will just pretend that SP campaign doesn't exist.

The SP in BF3 is  a rip off  of  a CoD campaign.  The MP plays completely different though. IF you think the difference is only "slight" in that respect then you aren't paying attention.  You shoot players in a first person perspective in both games using modern weaponry, but at that point the similarities end.

it was either that or prog rock

It is probably just your computers way of telling you not to listen to this horrible shit

This episode was awesome.  The whole  dartboard scene is probably my favorite though.Dennis's crazy eyes really sold it.

KotH was one of those shows I never actively watched, but always enjoyed when i did.

You aren't trying hard enough.

Its like they are pretending the relationship between between shawn and juliet doesn't exist which is perfectly fine with me.

The only scene I had a real problem with was the shia tarzan scene, and really, any scene that had the beef in it. I really really hate that guy

In a call center, your lucky if they just happened to bathe that day.

small local banks and credit unions = good.

get off the internet grandma

How can you hate Nick Cage? Sure he is in a lot of bad movies these days, but he is always fun to watch in those bad movies, plus he was good in the 90s.

because hipsters

Tim Armstrong co wrote Pink's debut Album

This guy was too good for police academy.
