
i'm rolling my eyes as hard as I can right now.

like his vocal style, but I just think he makes terrible music, and this doesn't seem to be the exception.

sharp knees, wouldn't bang

You should never fill guilty about Nathan Fillion.

I will defend the artistic qualities of Bubble Boy until the day I die.

I still love the show, but he is right. this is probably the one of the worst sunny episodes I've seen.

You turned off the TV  before that point? So you watched what, l about 3 minutes of the show? your opinion is now meaningless.

He was pretty good in Eureka this season imo.

I loved Rookie of the Year as a kid. I caught it on basic cable not too long ago and it was terrible.

This is why I always request Mountain Jam by the Allman Brothers for my lapdance song.

agreed. James Roday can be annoying, but the show is enjoyable enough to put up with. plus the Twin Peaks episode was awesome.

This is the network that helped give smallville 10 seasons.

This is one of my can't miss shows along with 2.5 men, big bang theory, and reruns of according to jim.

The interview at the public radio station was perfect.

My wife has had to do this before as well and had to give him cpr to get him breathing again, all of this right in front of his parents. As you can imagine she was quite upset at the kids parents.

Joe Francis? seriously? I might have to find that episode and watch that and see how anyone could possibly make him out to be anything other than trash.

I think the review got it right Swardson can be funny is very small doses,  but he can't carry a show imo. he is a supporting player through and through.

The economy is so bad, not even Apple could save jobs.

The only thing I remember about Lois and CLark is the scene where Dean Cain is trying on different super hero costumes his mom made, and the big deal they made about them getting married and having "super sex". Other than htta its just a general "i liked that show". I think the show is on netflix instant, but I'm

I don't like Buffy either, but I also never liked smallville. Yeah I know people on the internet that don't worship Buffy, it shouldn't exist.