
Btw - maybe I missed this, but at what point did Finn join Florrick/Agos? Or is he just leasing office space from them?

Chloe knocking out a whole truckload of bad guys with a metal pipe to facilitate her convenient escape was both ludicrous and my favourite scene from the past 9 seasons.

While I enjoyed that as much as anyone, I'm surprised it hasn't led to more backlash. Jack had already reported that he had Margot in custody, so how did / will he explain her subsequent death? Why has no one asked about that?

Well done, sir (or madam)!

That makes sense. Thanks!

Did anyone understand why Diane told Alicia that Alicia now "owed" her one (in their first scene together this episode…in the courthouse)? Didn't Alicia just send a client Diane's way? Not a big deal, but it confused me.

Did anyone understand why Diane told Alicia that Alicia now "owed" her one? Didn't Alicia just send a client Diane's way? Not a big deal, but confused me.

I agree with you that it would make sense for Tusk to try to take Francis up on his offer, but I did not get the sense that that's what happened. From my interpretation, Tusk did not have a deal with Francis in place. He just destroyed Walker out of spite and is now - at best - hoping that Francis will return the

I thought about that, but if Tusk was hoping to salvage his relationship with Frank, why wouldn't he try to cut a deal of some sort (like a promise of pardon after Frank becomes POTUS or something like that)? It's not like the characters on the show have a moral issue with switching allegiances on a whim…

Agree 100% with this takeaway from the review: "The series has simply stacked its deck far too much in favor of its protagonist."

Apologies if this offends some people, but am I the only one who finds Richie completely unattractive? His mouth is sooooo large…

Am I the only one who finds Richie completely unattractive? His mouth is sooooo large…

Agree 100% with this takeaway from the review: "The series has simply stacked its deck far too much in favor of its protagonist."

I know (and acknowledged) that the mission timing and execution completely changed. But if you think about it, nothing about this specific decision — whether to extract or leave Brody after he kills Akbari — was affected at all. If letting Javadi capture him would be good for Saul's grand plan, why wasn't this

I don't understand why this wasn't decided before the mission even began. I know the timing of and weapon used to kill Akbari differed from the original plan, but that doesn't change whether it's better to extract Brody or let him be captured. If allowing Javadi to capture Brody would aid Javadi's position in the

Agree completely. I was so bored, the last 30 minutes felt like a chore to get through.

Gotcha. Misunderstood it to mean suspicious of others.

Why was there so much disagreement about what to do with Brody after he killed Akbari? Shouldn't this have been decided before the mission even began? I know the timing of and weapon used to kill Akbari differed from the original plan, but that doesn't change whether it's better to extract Brody or let him be captured.

As I've repeating to anyone willing to listen, it's the sloppy writing of S3 (and to a lesser extent, S2) has really undermined the overall quality of the show. To this day, I can't accept that Javadi would have known about Brody's not being the Langley bomber and not reported that knowledge to Akbari. As Iran's chief

Completely agree with this. The sloppy writing of S3 (and to a lesser extent, S2) has really undermined the overall quality of the show. To this day, I can't accept that Javadi would have known about Brody's not being the Langley bomber and not reported that knowledge to Akbari. As Iran's chief intelligence officer,