
Completely agree with this.

I'm no medical expert but I would say heroin addict to average joe would take a few weeks (medication or otherwise), and to go from the shape Brody was in to Marine fitness probably a few more.

Maybe I'm dim, but I hope someone can explain this to me. When the field team started taking fire from the Iraqi patrol, and it was determined the only way to save them was to use the drone's Hellfire missiles, everyone at CIA HQ automatically accepted that this meant the intelligence mission had to be aborted. I

This pertains more to last week's episode but I just have to get this out there:

What is that yummy quote a reference to? I must have been sleeping under a rock.

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Carrie compromised her cover in this episode before Saul told Dar Adal and Lockhart.

Really? I thought it was established that Carrie was keeping up her cover for 2 discrete surveillance teams last week: 1 from the "Iranians" and 1 from the CIA folks who are not aware of her off-books operation with Saul.

Very interesting. Thanks for that.

Very interesting…thanks for that! I actually knew both parts of that compound word but did not know they had a meaning combined into one.

I, too, hope a lawyer sees this and opines. In fact, I have been making the same comment for 3 episodes trying to spark some debate. In my industry (investment banking), what they did (stealing clients and files while still employed by LG) would definitely not fly, and an employer with evidence to back its claim up

Fair enough on #3. I guess it just bothers me because it feels a bit like the show built Abu Nazir up to be this super evil uber-enemy for 2 seasons, has him die unceremoniously (I still can't accept why he personally needed to be in the US with no troops to support him by the end, but I digress), and then out of

1. What kind of hack witness protection program did Saul put Fariba and her son in? Not only is the home rental traceable to the "Javadi" name, everyone and their grandma (including random local cops) seem to be privy to her real identity.
2. What happened to the need for Carrie to be super covert to keep her cover?

I thought Will told Owen she left 3 weeks ago, but I could be wrong…

A few questions that have been bugging me for a couple weeks (and a couple from this week). I was out of country when the last couple episodes aired, and now that I've caught up, nobody seems to be reading the comments of those episodes anymore.

Thanks for clarifying. I was sooo confused after reading the review.

Completely agree with you, @avclub-b592cb2b4d8e4523870d96522b8cd022:disqus, and @avclub-2658c91ecbca5651a53b4b13709c62fa:disqus . A few other details from the last couple episodes that are really bugging me:

I can't believe Alicia wouldn't have the common sense to not turn her own son into an accomplice in what should be a very clear cut case. What kind of employer (and a law firm at that) wouldn't have all its employees (not to mention partners) sign non-compete agreements? And it won't take a genius to track the access

Completely agree with this. I can't believe Alicia wouldn't have the common sense to not turn her own son into an accomplice in what should be a very clear cut case. What kind of employer (and a law firm at that) wouldn't have all its employees (not to mention partners) sign non-compete agreements? And it won't take a

If Javadi's wife and son are in the US under witness protection, why is the house being rented under the "Javadi" name? Seems like a MASSIVE lapse in security…

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus's review says Carrie was being surveilled by the CIA. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't she being surveilled by the Iranians?